Hesperia Hospital in Modena, part of the Garofalo Health Care Group, is the first facility in Emilia-Romagna and northern Italy to make available the Adxbladder test: the new test for the early detection of bladder cancer through a simple urine analysis.

"The test is quick and painless, consists of analyzing a sample of the patient's urine, and the results are highly performing," says Prof. Giovanni Ferrari, for almost 30 years head of the U.O. of Urology at Hesperia Hospital Modena, in addition to serving as director of the European Greenlaser training center and of CURE - European Urological Center. "The test identifies the presence of bladder cancer, even of very slight entity, with an accuracy of 97 percent, higher than any cytological test currently in use. It is no coincidence that it has been introduced into international guidelines and we intend to include it in clinical routine throughout Italy with the aim of allowing patients to avoid invasive examinations when unnecessary. In fact, thanks to its high degree of accuracy we are able to better manage the subsequent diagnostic-therapeutic course of patients, directing them toward more invasive procedures only in case of test positivity."

The ADX bladder test is based on the detection of Mcm5 protein, which is overexpressed in urothelial tumors and can also be applied for monitoring following treatment or surgery to quickly detect any recurrence, thus avoiding repeated cystoscopies that are often negative and therefore unnecessary. 

"Early diagnosis is crucial for the patient's recovery," Prof. Ferrari continues, "the earlier we identify the tumor, the greater the chances of total cure. The new test then has proven particularly effective in identifying those more aggressive forms that risk worsening if not detected in time."

Bladder cancer is one of the top 10 cancers by incidence in the world, and more than 25,000 cases were registered in Italy in 2020 alone, with a 5-year survival rate of more than 80 percent for both men and women. Moreover, it is a disease with a high risk of disease recurrence and progression. The investigations performed to date are urinoculture and urinary cytology on 3 specimens, examinations that are often unreliable, and finally, cystoscopy: an invasive examination that is performed by inserting a fiber-optic instrument into the urinary canal up to the bladder. The possibility of using a painless, simple and noninvasive, yet highly reliable test such as the ADX bladder test represents an important milestone in the diagnosis of this widespread condition.

The U.O. of Urology at Hesperia Hospital Modena is considered a center of excellence for the diagnosis and treatment of cancers of the urinary tract. In the last 3 years, despite the pandemic, it has in fact recorded surgeries on more than 750 patients and is at the forefront in the use of minimally invasive techniques and robotic surgery. In fact, Hesperia Hospital was among the first facilities to employ the Green Laser, known as Greenlight or Green Laser, for the treatment of prostatic hypertrophy and to introduce the latest generation surgical robot, the Da Vinci Xi, capable of giving the best results in urological and general surgery.