Early diagnosis is the most effective weapon in the fight against melanoma: if recognized at an early stage, in fact, this tumor can nearly always be defeated. From this point of view, it is very important to self-examine the skin in order to get familiar with it and to identify neo-formations or other changes. The worldwide incidence of melanoma continues to increase by about 6% a year and it is the second most growing tumor in humans, second to lung cancer in women only.
Thanks to the advances in research that have radically changed melanoma recognition criteria, it is currently possible to detect it early with Dermatoscopy and Computerized Video-Dermatoscopy or Epiluminescence (map). The latest is an exam that allows us to be much more accurate and implies a careful eye examination through a special magnifying glass attached to a computer originating a digital map of suspected lesions. We should point out that, like all machines, it is only a tool at the service of a physician, so it is not a guarantee of infallibility but just a precise diagnosis and data storage tool. It should be carried out annually to minimize the risk of this tumor.