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Mrs. Sonia Peron has obtained a degree in Business and Economics at the University of Bologna and then a Law degree at the University of Parma. 

She is enrolled on the register of public accountants of Padua and in the Register of the Statutory Auditors. 

She's been doing for years university teaching and she is currently Adjunt Professor of Economics and Corporate Organization at the University of Bologna, Department of Managerial Engineering. 

He has held and holds the positions of member of the board of auditors of some joint-stock companies including ANRA (Associazione Nazionale Risk Manager - Milano), FORMEDIL (Ente Nazionale per la Formazione e l'Addestramento Professionale in Edilizia - Roma), SOGEFI SpA, company of the CIR Group, listed in the Stock Exchange of Milan, in the STAR segment, SANEDIL (Fondo Nazionale di Assistenza Sanitaria Integrativa per i lavoratori dell'Edilizia - Roma).