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Mr. Andrea Bonelli holds a degree in Business and Economics and since 1996 he has been enrolled in the Register of Chartered Accountants, as well as in the Register of Auditors. 

He holds a master degree in Business Tax Law and an EMIAS Master Degree in International Accounting Standards at the LUISS Guido Carli University of Rome. 

He is also lecturer of university courses and seminars and has been a professor in the Scuola Superiore di Economia e Finanze “Ezio Vanoni”. He is member of the scientific committee of the Roman Academy of Accountancy “Giorgio Giulio Maria”, of the scientific committee of the Institute for Corporate Governance, as well as of the Commission “Legal Review” of the Association of Chartered Accountants in Rome. 

He  holds positions as Chairman of the Board of Statuatory Auditors and Statuatory Auditor of listed companies and is an expert in corporate restructuring. He is a contributing editor for the "Sole 24 Ore", the “Quotidiano online” and in the magazine “Corriere Tributario” published by IPSOA.