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Mr. Marco Salvatore obtained a degree in Economics and Business at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore of Milan and he is member of the Order of Chartered Professional Accountants and Accounting Experts of Milan since 1994 and in the Register of Auditors. 

He has been mainly involved in corporate and tax advisory for industrial companies, as well as in oprations of generational transition and estate planning on behalf of HNWI private clients. 

He has also collaborated in the study and implementation of numerous transactions inolving the acquisition and sale of shareholdings, mergers and demergers, contribution, sale of companies, also on behalf of major national and multinational groupes, including ArcelorMittal group, Brembo Group, BS Private Equity Group, Condesa Group, Gewiss Group, Sodexo Group. 

Mr. Salvatore holds the position of non-executive Director and Statutory Auditor in various financial, industrial and commercial companies, as well as Director of the Milan Foundation of Chartered Accountants.