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La Casa di Cura è convenzionata con il Servizio Sanitario Nazionale per l'attività chirurgica ed alcune attività diagnostiche.

L'attività viene svolta anche in regime privato.



Thanks to the modern diagnostic resources, innovative instrumentation and minimally invasive surgical procedures, the Clinic physicians can decide the most effective therapies, carry out more easily the operations and minimize, in particular, pain and postoperative complications.

The applied surgical areas below.


Abdominal surgery

  • Cholecystectomy
  • Appendicectomy
  • Colon operations

Proctologic and urologic surgery

  • Circumcision
  • Preputial plasty
  • Elongation of the balano-preputial frenulum
  • Eversion of the tunica vaginalis for hydrocele
  • Ligation of spermatic vein for varicocele
  • Varicocelectomy
  • Laser saphenous obliteration using thermal ablation
  • Ulcers treatment
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Anal fistula
  • Anal fissure
  • Anal polyp
  • Rectal prolapse
  • Perineal abscess
  • Pilonidal cyst

Vascular surgery

  • Stripping saphenectomy
  • Saphenofemoral and saphenopoplitea crossectomy
  • Phlebectomies
  • Revision of recurrent varices

Skin and subcutaneous surgery

  • Removal of neoformations (cyst, nevi, lipomi)
  • Onychoplasty, onychectomy

Hernia surgery

  • Inguinal hernia
  • Crural hernia
  • Epigastric hernia
  • Umbilical hernia
  • Laparocele



La chirurgia generale, diversamente da quanto suggerisce il nome, è una specializzazione chirurgica che si concentra soprattutto sugli organi della cavità addominale, come per esempio l’intestino, quindi l’esofago, lo stomaco, il colon, il fegato, la cistifellea compresi i dotti biliari, e spesso si occupa anche della tiroide e delle ernie. I chirurghi generali si occupano anche dei trattamenti a livello della mammella, compresi gli interventi chirurgici per tumori della mammella stessa.

Negli ultimi anni, sono diventate sempre più importanti le tecniche di chirurgia microinvasiva che devono tuttavia essere valutate attentamente caso per caso.



In the General Surgery Department of the Private Hospitals Group, patients are admitted to major, minor, or endoscopic surgery patients.

The hospitalization takes place in a routine or “day surgery”, private or accredited with the National Health Service, in a double room with a single bed or a single bed.


General surgery


Surgical procedures that can be performed with a hospital stay limited to daytime hours are treated in Day Surgery or Outpatient Surgery.

If the Doctor deems discharge on the day of surgery inadvisable, the patient will be kept in the Hospital for the time needed.

Main pathologies treated:

  • Abdominal surgery (gallbladder, colon and stomach diseases, hernia)
  • Obesity surgery (bariatric)
  • Oncological surgery
  • Proctological surgery (hemorrhoids, fissures, anal fistulas)
  • Vascular venous surgery of the limbs
  • Breast surgery
  • Neck surgery (thyroid and parathyroid)