

The Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting resolves upon the matters reserved to it by law and the By-Laws.

The Shareholders’ Meeting is overseen by the Chairperson of the Board of Directors or, in his/her absence or impediment, by another person indicated by the Board of Directors, failing which the Shareholders’ Meeting shall elect its Chairperson.  The Shareholders’ Meeting appoints a secretary, including from among non-members, chosen from among the directors present and one or more tellers, including non-shareholders.

The conduct of assembly meetings is governed by law, the Statute and the Shareholders’ Meeting Regulation (Link to pdf), approved by resolution of the ordinary Shareholders' Meeting.

Below is the documentation relating to the Shareholders' Meeting.

In this regard, it is specified that the Annual Financial Report was prepared in XHTML format in accordance with the Delegated Regulation of the European Commission no. 2019/815 subsequent amendment. 

The taxonomy used for the marking of the document is that provided for by the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/1989 of the European Commission of 18 December 2020 (Taxonomy 2020). In continuity with the past and with the aim of facilitating reading, the PDF format of the 2021 Annual Financial Report is also made available on a voluntary basis.

It is specified that this version does not comply with the provisions of the Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019 / 815 of the European Commission (European Single Electronic reporting Format - ESEF). This version constitutes a supplementary and unofficial version of the 2021 Annual Financial Report compared to the version in single electronic format of the ESEF communication and has not been subject to verification by the statutory auditors.


Documentation 2025

Loyalty Shares


In compliance with article 127-quinquies of the TUF, article 7 of the Articles of Association provides that for each share belonging to the same person, by virtue of a right of full ownership with the right to vote, bare ownership with the right to vote or usufruct with voting rights, for a continuous period of at least twenty-four months starting from the date of registration in the special list specifically established by the Company (the "List"), two votes are attributed.

The Company, having received the regular registration requests and verified the completeness of the documentation, as well as the legitimacy of the request, provides for the registrations and updating of the List according to the terms set out in the Regulations for the management of the list relating to the increased vote adopted by the Society.

Below are the Regulations for managing the List, the form for requesting registration in the List and in compliance with the provisions of art. 143-quater of the Consob Issuers' Regulation, the identification data of the Shareholders who have requested registration in the List, with indication of the related shareholdings, in any case above the threshold indicated by article 120, paragraph 2, of the TUF, of the registration date and of the date of achievement of the increased voting right.